6th class of Computer Club

The class held on the 10th of March was marked with many different things, but mostly with technical difficulties. We could only use two of the laptops in the library, the other two were not there. The teacher brought one laptop and Orhan brought his own. A funny coincidence was that most of the students attended Computer Club that week, which made it impossible for everyone to get involved in the club activities. We hope these difficulties will be solved until next hour of Computer Club.

Other than that, the team behind the game, Adventure, was interviewed. Uma, Isak and Kopi are the dream team. Check out the interview here.

Orhan continues to invest his time on learning JAVA. The teacher wrote a simple game in JAVA for him so he can tweak it and learn JAVA by doing so. First thing’s first, he had to change all the graphics/sprites in the game so it looked unique.

Check out the photos made in the sixth Computer Club this year below!

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